Sharing my reflections

When I read my Bible and have conversations with God there are times I just feel like I gotta share is my place to share with you...Recently I heard a quote "“Reading without reflecting is like eating without digesting.” (Edmund Burke ).I hope to help you "digest" along with me what I am reading and reflecting on.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

"Keep your servant from deliberate sins!
Don’t let them control me."Psalm 19:13
I was at work. 4 hours into the 12. I was challenged.Challenged and had to make a choice.I wish I could say I immediatly responded the way I should have but I can't.Smack in the middle of this challenge God brought this bit of the Bible to my memory, opened up a time frame for me to lean up against a wall(literally)and think about my actions,my attitude and pray.It's interesting how a verse can speak directly to me and God does a check-up to see if I have taken it to heart.Really taken his word seriously.It is just as amazing how a heart can do a u-turn when scripture is prayed, and the heart's compass is directed back to God.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Excuses for "little" sins or habits

A few verses from Colossians 3,
"So if you're serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don't shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that's where the action is. See things from his perspective.
Your old life is dead.That's a life shaped by things and feelings instead of by God.But you know better now, so make sure it's all gone for good: bad temper, irritability, meanness....(
the message)
Did I just read this right? Irritability? That hits a nerve-Really.How often do I say "ugh-I just feel irritable today!"THAT is NOT a "feeling shaped by God".It is listed with sins that I would never consider to entertain.Why? Why do we do this? We have sins that just seem "excusable" to act upon.It's only once a month-right?In this same portion of scripture it also has this to say about the "old life" "...doing whatever you feel like whenever you feel like it, and grabbing whatever attracts your fancy." Hmmmm.This could go in so many directions.It's personal to me,to you. Where do I need to be careful?In what areas of my life do I need to be watchful? Is it ,TV,food,shopping? Not that these are all wrong in themselves,I question, is it too much too often? Re-read the verses, take inventory of your priorities.Than make conclusions you need to,set goals and God will be right there to help you-I guarantee that!
I know this strikes me,steps on my toes,and demands my attention.These "litte things" can creep in unknowingly and innocently.
Here is encouragement-find a new focus.Replace Godly choices and actions to replace the things you want to delete from your life. So, chosen by God for this new life of love, dress in the wardrobe God picked out for you: compassion, kindness, humility, quiet strength, discipline. Be even-tempered, content with second place, quick to forgive an offense. Forgive as quickly and completely as the Master forgave you. And regardless of what else you put on, wear love. It's your basic, all-purpose garment. Never be without it.

Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Not calling it a failure ... BUT -"a new start"!

o Boy- January? Really? That is a LOOONG time ago.:)In case anyone reads this - I HAVE read my Bible since than.PTL! The honest thing is I realized that I would be in the Old Testament till mid -summer and it deturred me a bit...well,slightly much. I would think of this blog knowing I should "do" something with it than have the excuse"o well,no one reads it anyway".I came across a site of someone I don't really,really know - they had a link to this site! It which spurred me on.I have a bad habit of starting something and not sticking to it...(obviously). I am brainstorming and processing the idea that I will post what I have been Reading and my ponderings on it, hopefully inspire others through it.It will be my walk in the Bible...:)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 10 and 11 Genesis 21-26 You want us to do what with the promised Child??

Day 10
Genesis 21:1-3 (New Living Translation)
1 "The Lord kept his word and did for Sarah exactly what he had promised. 2 She became pregnant, and she gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age. This happened at just the time God had said it would. 3 And Abraham named their son Isaac"
God blessed Abraham exactly as He had promised.Not in the timing that Abraham and Sarah had thought.I would imagine if that were my husband and me, we would in the evenings over cups of coffee have debating converations whether we heard God right or not.What if it was just a trial for us to see whether we really trusted God ? We have already made plans that we were sure God was directing us in certain way and well,it never happened. Were we wrong in the fact that Gos had spoken or was he just wanting our obediance and the journey it took us through?
Well, we read today that Sarah did in fact have that promised baby.God came through with that promise-in HIS time-.
God talked to Abraham and asked a crazy thing of him.What would you do if you were Abraham?I am sure he was very close to his son.This son who he wondered about for years.Than God asks him to give him up for a sacrifice? The Bible tells us "The next morning Abraham got up early".I sit here and shake my head.We know when we read this part of the story that everything is going to turn out fine and and angel is going to appear and tell him that there is a ram in the bushes.But poor Abraham.Do you think that when God told him the plan that he just stopped in his tracks and said, "Huh"? I know when I hear something that I can hardly believe, I am consumed with the thoughts of trying to sort everything out.I try to reason with God."This is NOT a good idea-let me tell you a better plan"!But like I said before- "Abraham got up early".He folowed through with his obediance and right on time God provided.
I need to learn to trust.To follow through when God asks something of me that seems radical or impossible...Because God's going to be right there next to me.

Interesting footnote that may make you smile:Gen.22:20-21 lists the names of Abraham's brother's children the oldest child's name was "Uz" and the next "Buz"...need a Bible name for your next child?There you go!
Day 11
"Abraham was counted as righteous by God because of his faith".Romans 4:9b
Abraham dies in this part of scripture.In his life he was looking for a country he could call his own.(Hebrews 11:14)
We also are looking forward to a "home".The same home that way back then all these people of faith in the old Testament were looking for.Isaac recieved his earthly inheritance from his father,but he had to live out his own faith.We need to have our own faith.I have to have my own relationship with Jesus Christ.Yes, I have excepted Christ as my savior-What am I doing on a day to day basis to cultivate and keep fresh this fire within me to make this a personal relationship? Am I keeping it alive?I cannot depend on "second-hand knowledge".It has to be my own.

Day 9 thinking back

Galatians 3:6-9 (New Living Translation)

6 "In the same way, “Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith.” 7 The real children of Abraham, then, are those who put their faith in God.

8 What’s more, the Scriptures looked forward to this time when God would declare the Gentiles to be righteous because of their faith. God proclaimed this good news to Abraham long ago when he said, “All nations will be blessed through you.” 9 So all who put their faith in Christ share the same blessing Abraham received because of his faith"

Take time to read the scripture again and ponder the fact that as children of God,we are blessed.We are to be a blessing.I need to ask I radiate Jesus Christ on a daily basis with the people I meet,whether I work with them or the ones I will only see that one time? Today...I am blessed how can return that blessing as an offering to God?

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 8 Miracles

What a story...if it wasn't in the Bible I would probably wonder if I should be reading this... really.I think Instead of focusing in on the horrible story of Lot and his daughters and the men trying to get into the house with Abraham's company(I am sure those stories have their place and God has a reason for having them in the Bible)I will focus in on the fact that Sarah had a son at such an old age! Me at 90 years old? I am hoping to be relaxing most of the time and doing pretty much nothing but exactly what I feel like doing...not taking care of a baby-unless it's my grand baby -of course!Sara even called herself "worn-out"(v.11) Sarah and Abraham were exited they could hardly-well actually...they didn't believe it at first.Sarah eves dropped when the angels told her husband that she was going to have a baby,than she chuckled- she knew this would take a miracle.

From the book:

In Gen.14:18 God asked Abraham, "Is anything too hard for the Lord"?
The fact that Sarah gave birth at her age at the time that she did was a miracle. Ask yourself - "If I could imagine the most difficult miracles God could perform, what would it be?"
Today,I was talking to 2 people about my brother-in-law's death from cancer at the young age of 30.The one replied with "your in-laws will never get over it",the other person asked "Is there really a God"?(she stated it in a very frustrated tone). Later, I was thinking about this whole miracle idea and I realized-it is a miracle in itself that ,with God's help and by his Grace and presence in our lives-can we work through and "get over" tragedies like deaths that seem "too soon".Or simply the days that we wonder why we even got up,everything seems out of order in life,or we feel alone in a situation.
Look for and record the miracles in your life than when you are having a valley sort of day look back and be reminded and refreshed.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day 7 When Is my blessing going to arrive?

If God called me aside and promised me a baby and that I would be blessed beyond measure with descendants,more than the sands by the ocean.Or that I was going to own lots of property with a gorgeous house on it and lots of servants to do all my work.That my purse would never be lacking in money ,the bills would never stack up.I would never have to say "no" to my children when they asked for something because the money was there. BUT-- than life went on for what seemed like forever plus I was getting no younger. This promise just seemed like it was not going to be fulfilled. I wonder what my response would be? What would I do to "make this blessing happen"? How far would I go? How many people would I make miserable?Would I use people?
I would hope that I would trust.Simply believe that God is in control.Live my days in complete peace knowing that God would come through.
There are promises in the Bible given to me. No, an angel of God hasn't appeared to me and stated them directly to me in an audible voice but the Holy Spirit has led me to them.Has opened my eyes and heart to them. No, not the promise of monetary riches,big house, lots of land and servants, but He has promised that He will lavish his love on me (I John 1:3).He has promised that He will NEVER leave me (Duet.31:6).He has promised to guide me in a wide place so my foot doesn't slip,and to guide me with his eye (Psalm 18:36 and Psalm 32:8).Most importantly, He has promised me forgiveness of sins (John3:16).
These are immediate promises. They are available right now.Today.So-Trust.Believe.Be at peace.
Of course Abraham was impatient...he was human.And here I am with these truths for me today. I don't have to wait. What do I do way too often? Get flustered.Get stressed.start worrying - all for nothing. I take matters into my own hands.
Before I get down to hard on this man of God- I think I better evaluate myself and learn to trust,learn to believe.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 6 Genesis 12-14

What if after you prayed for guidance and asked God for direction in life he would very clearly give you these words;
"Leave your country, your family, and your father's home for a land that I will show you." That is what God told Abraham!I think I would probably want a second opinion.Maybe get a group of counselors to confirm that I heard wrong! That wasn't the end of what God said.He went on to say-

"I'll make you a great nation
and bless you.
I'll make you famous;
you'll be a blessing.
I'll bless those who bless you;
those who curse you I'll curse.
All the families of the Earth
will be blessed through you."(The Message)

With that kind of a blessing for obedience it was probably a little easier to pack up and leave.But bottom line -it took FAITH.Real faith.Faith that GOd was going to be in the middle of wherever He led Abraham.But than we have to think about the fact that it wasn't just Abraham it was him,his wife and the whole gang."Abram took his wife Sarai and his nephew Lot with him, along with all the possessions and people they had gotten in Haran, and set out for the land of Canaan..."(The Message) Probably a whole franchise of U-hauls needed to be rented!
But what was Abraham's response?-"So Abram left just as God said, and Lot left with him."(The Message)
In the end? If they would have been texting back home they would have text the words; "arrived safe and sound"(The Message)
If God says "go"-Am I willing to listen to the instruction even when it seems like it makes no sense at all.Even though it seems inconvenient?My friends might even give me the crooked eyebrow....but if I get up and go or get up and do as God asks in the end I will "arrive safe and sound".

Overview of the first 5 days

Of course there is the creation.The beginning of all things.God the creator.He is the ultimate designer.Does it ever cease to amaze you that he spoke and stuff just came to be? He made all things to have order.From the creepy crawlies to the giant animals.The most amazing thing of all is the fact that the only thing that he breathed life into was man.Picture that moment with me -he formed the being of Adam.Taking the dust of the earth and with his hands he created.He than bent down and with a single breath into the nostrils of Adam he gave that dusty form life.Wow! I need a breath of life like that from my God on a daily basis to bring order to my senses you? Do you ask God for it when you need it? So often I plunder through my day trying to handle things alone...will I ever learn?
He than Created Adam a lady and declared her his help meet.She sure didn't do such a "fine job" in her first experience of handling a situation on her own when asking her husband's advice would have been the thing to do,and hopefully he would have talked her out of listening to the Devil and his lies.She of course did not have all the books we do on marriage...:)Than again they played the whole "blame game" when God approached them.I wonder...again-am I easily swayed by schemes and promises that I am confronted with?
Next,Noah and his Ark.What a man of faith! I really think I would have found all kinds of excuses why the request God was making to build a what? A ship? For animals and it was going to do what? Rain? What is that-exactly?There are so many things in this part of the story of Noah that bring us to see him as almost perfect but there are times after the ark that we see him as less than that .Reminds me of the scripture to be careful when we feel strong because we than are prone to fall.
From the book
-What is God asking you to do to join Noah's faithful ranks?

The tower of Babel...what was that? A not so great idea and as Bruce reminds us in his book that God had said he WANTED the people to "spread out and repopulate" -this tower was not going help make this not happen.There was so much confusion when the language barriers came into play...if only they would have only listened to God.When God says what he wants from me I just need to do it.
From the book
-"I will save myself some grief if I obey God today (how)_______?"

Here we go...

Almost one week in I am getting started...I got this idea yesterday and decided it's not too late to start. And of course we are now 6 days into this new year what have I read and gained so far ? I from here on out hope to stay updated in my postings.I truly hope to gain freinds along my path.Come along side me...