I would hope that I would trust.Simply believe that God is in control.Live my days in complete peace knowing that God would come through.
There are promises in the Bible given to me. No, an angel of God hasn't appeared to me and stated them directly to me in an audible voice but the Holy Spirit has led me to them.Has opened my eyes and heart to them. No, not the promise of monetary riches,big house, lots of land and servants, but He has promised that He will lavish his love on me (I John 1:3).He has promised that He will NEVER leave me (Duet.31:6).He has promised to guide me in a wide place so my foot doesn't slip,and to guide me with his eye (Psalm 18:36 and Psalm 32:8).Most importantly, He has promised me forgiveness of sins (John3:16).
These are immediate promises. They are available right now.Today.So-Trust.Believe.Be at peace.
Of course Abraham was impatient...he was human.And here I am with these truths for me today. I don't have to wait. What do I do way too often? Get flustered.Get stressed.start worrying - all for nothing. I take matters into my own hands.
Before I get down to hard on this man of God- I think I better evaluate myself and learn to trust,learn to believe.

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