From the book:
In Gen.14:18 God asked Abraham, "Is anything too hard for the Lord"?
The fact that Sarah gave birth at her age at the time that she did was a miracle. Ask yourself - "If I could imagine the most difficult miracles God could perform, what would it be?"
Today,I was talking to 2 people about my brother-in-law's death from cancer at the young age of 30.The one replied with "your in-laws will never get over it",the other person asked "Is there really a God"?(she stated it in a very frustrated tone). Later, I was thinking about this whole miracle idea and I realized-it is a miracle in itself that ,with God's help and by his Grace and presence in our lives-can we work through and "get over" tragedies like deaths that seem "too soon".Or simply the days that we wonder why we even got up,everything seems out of order in life,or we feel alone in a situation.
Look for and record the miracles in your life than when you are having a valley sort of day look back and be reminded and refreshed.

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