Genesis 21:1-3 (New Living Translation)
1 "The Lord kept his word and did for Sarah exactly what he had promised. 2 She became pregnant, and she gave birth to a son for Abraham in his old age. This happened at just the time God had said it would. 3 And Abraham named their son Isaac"
God blessed Abraham exactly as He had promised.Not in the timing that Abraham and Sarah had thought.I would imagine if that were my husband and me, we would in the evenings over cups of coffee have debating converations whether we heard God right or not.What if it was just a trial for us to see whether we really trusted God ? We have already made plans that we were sure God was directing us in certain way and well,it never happened. Were we wrong in the fact that Gos had spoken or was he just wanting our obediance and the journey it took us through?
Well, we read today that Sarah did in fact have that promised baby.God came through with that promise-in HIS time-.
God talked to Abraham and asked a crazy thing of him.What would you do if you were Abraham?I am sure he was very close to his son.This son who he wondered about for years.Than God asks him to give him up for a sacrifice? The Bible tells us "The next morning Abraham got up early".I sit here and shake my head.We know when we read this part of the story that everything is going to turn out fine and and angel is going to appear and tell him that there is a ram in the bushes.But poor Abraham.Do you think that when God told him the plan that he just stopped in his tracks and said, "Huh"? I know when I hear something that I can hardly believe, I am consumed with the thoughts of trying to sort everything out.I try to reason with God."This is NOT a good idea-let me tell you a better plan"!But like I said before- "Abraham got up early".He folowed through with his obediance and right on time God provided.
I need to learn to trust.To follow through when God asks something of me that seems radical or impossible...Because God's going to be right there next to me.
Interesting footnote that may make you smile:Gen.22:20-21 lists the names of Abraham's brother's children the oldest child's name was "Uz" and the next "Buz"...need a Bible name for your next child?There you go!
Day 11
"Abraham was counted as righteous by God because of his faith".Romans 4:9b
Abraham dies in this part of scripture.In his life he was looking for a country he could call his own.(Hebrews 11:14)
We also are looking forward to a "home".The same home that way back then all these people of faith in the old Testament were looking for.Isaac recieved his earthly inheritance from his father,but he had to live out his own faith.We need to have our own faith.I have to have my own relationship with Jesus Christ.Yes, I have excepted Christ as my savior-What am I doing on a day to day basis to cultivate and keep fresh this fire within me to make this a personal relationship? Am I keeping it alive?I cannot depend on "second-hand knowledge".It has to be my own.